Once completed, eject your USB Drive and attempt to boot from USB on your new Windows 10 Machine. Wimlib-imagex split /Volumes/WN10ISO/sources/install.wim /Volumes/WN10/sources/install.swm 3800 After installing wimlib run the following command:
#Powershell exiftool install#
Wimlib is easily installed using HomeBrew ( brew install wimlib) to copy over install.wim. Next we will use the wimlib tool to segment and copy the files to <3800mb fragments. Rsync -avh -progress -exclude=sources/install.wim /Volumes/WN10ISO/ /Volumes/WN10 The install.wim file located within /sources/install.wim of all recent Windows 10 ISO files is now larger than 4gb therefore a simple copy function to a FAT32 formatted USB drive will not work.įirst we will copy over all files except install.wim using: Copy FilesĪfter downloading the latest Windows 10 ISO open the ISO within finder and identify the volume name using ls /Volumes Once identified, format the drive diskutil eraseDisk MS-DOS "WN10" MBR diskNumberHere where diskNumberHere represents your USB drive. Open your terminal and identify your USB drive using diskutil list. ExifTool is a program by Phil Harvey () distributed with.
#Powershell exiftool mac osx#
(If you have a windows machine availiable, simply use the windows 10 installation media creation tool located here) After trying several methods I have put together a quick how-to guide on creating windows 10 installation media (usb) using the latest version of Mac OSX at the moment 10.15. The Rename-Item Cmdlet of PowerShell allows you to rename files from PowerShell. I was recently putting together a low cost Windows 10 Machine for my dad (post on that to follow) and realized how non-trivial of a task it is to create a bootable windows 10 usb drive using a mac.

#Powershell exiftool how to#
How to create a bootable Windows 10 usb stick on Mac OSX 15 September 2020 After installation my temperatures returned to 92-95 Farenheight. Either option works- I had originally used double-sided tape but this time opted to use suture material I had handy.

Installation is fairly straight forward, after removing the front panel, use either adhesive such as 3M double-sided tape or high strength string to tie the fan in place (see below). The fan I am using is the Cooler Master Sleeve Bearing 80mm Slim Fan. I also remembered that when I had originally purchased this unit I recall several people online looking for ways to do this exact mod so I decided to take a picture and post instructions on how to do this. I suspected that the intake fan I had installed several years ago had failed and decided to replace it. I had completed this mod around 2016 however, recently I had noticed that my unraid hard drive temperatures were consistently in the 102-110 Farenheight range when they had previously been much lower. One of the unfortunate design flaws of this system is the lack of an intake fan for system and specifically hard drive cooling. I purchased the Dell PowerEdge T20 several years ago for an Unraid server build that I use to back up my data. Intake Fan Mod for Dell PowerEdge T20 11 October 2020